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The Good Skin Knowledge Campaign

Written by: Zobiana Dillsworth

The American Academy of Dermatology Association is the founder of Good Skin Knowledge, which is a public campaign for youth education. This program has resources for schools and clubs to teach children about skin, hair, and nail health. These resources are tailored to two groups: 8-10 year olds and 11-13 year olds. Anyone can access these resources but club leaders can also contact AAD to receive more lesson-planning assistance.

The first topic introduced through this program is acne. For 8-10 year olds, this begins with a basic overview of what acne is and how it forms. Then, the children learn some quick tips about treating acne. The following section (media portrayal) uses a YouTube video–“Dodge and Burn”--to compare media versus real-life skin. This video is followed by a self-esteem portion that builds confidence. The 11-13 year olds have a few additional topics. They determine if they have acne themselves and acknowledge certain thoughts regarding acne. They then determine and discuss myths vs. truths about acne. This group also learns about acne treatment, media portrayal, and self-esteem. During the self-esteem section, they will do a “skin condition” activity, where every child will have a skin condition. The condition will be on their forehead for everyone, but them, to see. The other children will treat each person according to their skin condition, which is described more in the lesson plan. They will then receive a handout with quotes about confidence. While the topics are slightly different for each age group, it is to make things easier to understand.

The next topic in the Good Skin Knowledge program is skin health, which has several subtopics. Both age divisions begin with a skin health introduction that explains the function of the skin. These groups then go on to learn about eczema, itchy skin, warts, fungus, and psoriasis. The 8-11-year-olds then go on to learn about skin habits, which includes learning about why it is important to shower. The 11-13 year olds have an additional section that focuses on different skin types.

Hair and nail care are discussed next. The 8-10-year-olds begin with a basic overview on hair health before discussing dandruff, lice, and hair loss. These topics include causes, symptoms, and treatments of the listed hair issues. The 11-13 year old group also discusses hair loss and

lice, but they include information on shaving. Then, the groups discuss basic nail care and complications.

The final topic of Good Skin Knowledge is sun protection. Both groups discuss healthy skin protection habits. Then, the groups discuss the reasoning behind different skin colors. Freckles and sunburn are also discussed. The 11-13-year-olds are also taught about tanning and reading sunscreen labels.

Overall, the Good Skin Knowledge program is perfect for anyone trying to educate children on skin health importance. It is a great way to educate the youth on how to take care of their skin.

For more information, visit the cited link or contact AAD directly.

Image Source: AAD


American Academy of Dermatology. “Lesson plans and activities.” American Academy of Dermatology, N.d.,

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