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Skin Cancer Awareness Month: Melanoma (ENG/ESP)

Note: this is a republication of an old article in honor of Skin Cancer Awareness Month 2024. To learn more about this important month beyond DermaTeens' content, visit

DermaTeens is committed to health equity, which entails addressing cultural and lingual barriers. In honor of Skin Cancer Awareness Month, we are translating some of our skin cancer prevention resources into Spanish, like our medically-reviewed articles.


Escrito por: Ansley Phan

Hechos Rápidos:

  • El tipo de cáncer de piel más peligroso

  • Se propaga y crece fácilmente

  • Alrededor del 4% de los casos de cáncer de piel

  • Representa la mayoría de las muertes por cáncer de piel

  • La mayoría de los casos son en hombres

  • La edad promedio de diagnóstico es 65 años


  • Asimetría

  • La frontera irregular

  • El color es desigual

  • Diámetro (cambiando de tamaño)

  • Evolucionando (cambios en períodos pequeños)


  • Radiación UV

  • Factores genéticos


  • Proteccion solar

  • Controles cutáneos anuales en el consultorio de un dermatólogo (si tiene el privilegio)

Fuente de Imagen: News Medical


“Melanoma - Symptoms and causes.” Mayo Clinic, Accessed 23 January 2022.

“Skin Cancer 101.” Forefront Dermatology, Accessed 23 January 2022.

“What Does Melanoma Look Like?” National Cancer Institute, 13 October 2011, Accessed 23 January 2022.


Written by: Ansley Phan

Quick Facts:

  • Most dangerous kind of skin cancer

  • Spreads and grows easily

  • About 4% of skin cancer cases

  • Accounts for the majority of skin cancer deaths

  • Most cases are in men

  • The average age of diagnosis is 65

Looks Like:

  • Asymmetry

  • The irregular border

  • Color is uneven

  • Diameter (changing size)

  • Evolving (changes over small periods)


  • UV radiation

  • Genetic factors


  • Sun-protection

  • Yearly skin checks at a dermatologist's office (if you have the privilege)

Image Source: News Medical


“Melanoma - Symptoms and causes.” Mayo Clinic, Accessed 23 January 2022.

“Skin Cancer 101.” Forefront Dermatology, Accessed 23 January 2022.

“What Does Melanoma Look Like?” National Cancer Institute, 13 October 2011, Accessed 23 January 2022.

Disclaimer: This organization's content is not intended to provide diagnosis, treatment, or medical advice. Content provided on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. Please consult with a physician or other healthcare professional regarding any medical or health-related diagnosis or treatment options. Information on this website should not be considered as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.


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