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McCune Albright Syndrome

Written by: Zobiana Dillsworth

Image Source: DermNet

What is McCune Albright Syndrome?

McCune-Albright Syndrome, also known simply as Albright Syndrome, is a rare skin condition caused by a random mutation. The mutation occurs during embryo development (1).

What are the symptoms of Albright Syndrome?

This syndrome affects the bones, skin, and endocrine system. The most common symptom is fibrous dysplasia, in which scar tissue grows instead of bones; these tissues weaken the bone and lead to bone fractures and deformities. This condition can develop into cancer, but it is not very common. Additional bone symptoms include asymmetrical bone growth, bone pain, loss of mobility, osteomalacia, scoliosis, and short stature. This syndrome also affects the skin; it causes random patches of skin to be discolored. The skin patches are random with uneven borders. 

Finally, the syndrome can lead to early puberty in children, especially females. This syndrome also enlarges the thyroid gland, which increases heart rate and blood pressure levels as well as causing excessive sweating and weight loss. Acromegaly and Cushing’s syndrome can also result from Albright Syndrome. Acromegaly is the overgrowth of the hand, feet, and specific facial features; it often leads to arthritis. Cushing’s syndrome causes obesity and delayed growth due to too much cortisol. 

How is Albright Syndrome treated?

  • Bisphosphonates: medications that reduce the risk of bone fractures

  • Aromatase inhibitors: medications that treat early puberty

  • Antithyroid: medications that treat hyperthyroidism

  • Physical and occupational therapy

  • Surgery

When to Seek Medical Help?

If the child begins experiencing:

  • Anxiety

  • Hyperactivity

  • Mood swings

  • Insomnia

  • Irregular bone shape

  • Severe bone pain

  • Mobility issues

  • Early menstruation (2)


  1. Hartley, Marie. “McCune-Albright syndrome.” DermNet,

  2. “McCune Albright Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Outlook.” Cleveland Clinic, 14 December 2021,

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