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Acanthosis Nigricans

Written by: Zobiana Dillsworth

What Is It

Acanthosis Nigricans is a condition that affects the color and texture of the skin; affected skin is usually darker, thicker, and feels like velvet. The affected skin may also itch and have a strange odor. 

This condition can affect any skin on the body but is commonly found: in the armpits; back of the neck; groin; elbows; knees; knuckles; belly button; underneath women’s breasts; face; and female genitalia. This condition usually appears slowly with some cases taking years to fully appear. 

What Causes It

Acanthosis Nigricans can be a sign of pre-diabetes, a hormonal condition, or cancer. Polycystic ovarian syndrome and thyroid disease are the most common hormonal conditions that show as AN, but adrenal gland issues are also possible. 

Additionally, the presence of Acanthosis Nigricans could be a reaction to medication, especially birth control pills, strong corticosteroids, and niacin. 

Who Is Affected

Acanthosis Nigricans can affect anyone, but it most comomnly affects: those of Native American, Carribean, African, or Hispanic descent; obese or overweight people; and people who have a family history of AN. 

How to Treat It

If you believe you have Acanthosis Nigricans, the first thing you should do is see a dermatologist. They can diagnose AN with a physical examination, but if they confirm this diagnosis, they may recommend blood tests. 

Because AN is not contagious or harmful, however, treatment is not necessary. Some people choose to lighten their skin, which can be done with prescription oitnments and creams. Clearing the skin can be achieved with retinoids, either in cream or pill form. Finally, reducing itchiness is done with laser treatments and decreasing odor is done with antibitotics and antibacterial soap. 

If your case of AN is caused by another medical issue, however, the best way to treat it is to treat the medical problem.

How to Live With It

Dermatologists have some tips to prevent Acanthosis Nigricans: maintain a healthy weight, use a bleaching product, and go to the doctor regularly.

Maintaining a healthy weight is important because obesity is a leading cause of AN. Using a bleaching product, such as a cream or exfoliant, can fade the color. Finally, visiting the doctor regularly ensures there is no medical issue causing the AN. 

Image Source: Saint Luke's Health Systems


“Acanthosis nigricans: Overview.” American Academy of Dermatology,

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